
Portfolio of Fluffysminion

All the varied artwork from beadwork to fantasy art is produced by our resident artist, Fluffysminion.  You can see her full portfolio by clicking on the button below or if you want to explore individual elements of her art then carry on browsing this page to access specific sections. Click on the links to enter each area.

If you like the artwork then why not visit our store where you can buy prints; merchandise; bead kits and patterns or commission your own artwork based on your ideas.  Just visit our store for details.

Take your time browsing the site and we hope you enjoy what you see. 

Portfolio Store

With beads, wire and thread I aim to create models that don't just look like animals, they feel and move like them as well. Coming from a scientific background biological accuracy is very important to me, and as bead animals are very tactile creations I feel their joints, weighting and skeletal structure are as important as their appearance when breathing life into them. 

I have a deep love of creatures of myth, legend and folklore, and I enjoy speculation on the potential anatomy and behaviour of these creatures. From my own interpretations of well known creatures, providing illustraions for obsure beasts with little visual representation, to designing animals to fit ecological or narative nieches

Not for the faint hearted, enter only if you are interested. 

Not suitable for young children. 

I take interest in many things and involve myself in various projects. I involve myself in Speed Painting competitions, Art Fights and develop mods for Rimworld. 

As well as doing art I like, I do commissions for people where we work together to develop an idea and then I bring it to life for the customer.  Visit the commissions page to see what I have done and to maybe start the process of producing bespoke piece of art for yourselves.

If you like the artwork then why not visit our store where you can buy prints; merchandise; bead kits and patterns or commission your own artwork based on your ideas.  Just visit our store for details.

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