
Basic Commission Information

How to Commission Me

- Commission openings will be announced via social media (Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr)
- Very occasionally commissions are left open (check main profiles for status) and you can email me.

You are required to have the following to apply for a commission:
1. A paypal account (I accept no other methods of payment.)
2. Your commission idea ready and written out clearly. (Artistic freedom excepted.)

If your commission does not meet requirements in the following ways:
1. You do not pay for your commission within 48 hrs of receiving your invoice.
2. Your commission idea is too difficult to understand or presents a subject I'm uncomfortable with.
Your commission may be rejected. If worried you may not meet the requirements please speak to me before applying.

If my most recent Tumblr, Twitter or Facebook post or profiles do not announce commissions are open, please assume they are closed. In addition, I ask that you do not enquire about when the next opening will be, I often don't know.

All the information below applies to every client for every commission. Being friends with the artist or commissioning them often will not exempt the client from any of the following terms. Please read carefully before commissioning the artist.


    Payment must be made upfront via PayPal within 48 hours of your commission being accepted. No e-cheques. This 48 hours begins when an invoice has been sent, no sooner.
    If payment is not made within the time restriction you will lose your commission slot and must apply again at a later date.
    Partial payments can be discussed for commissions totally over $200 BEFORE a commission application is sent. If not discussed you will be invoiced the full amount.
    Work will not begin on any commission until it has been paid for in full.

Additional Charges

    High detail characters (complicated markings or anatomy eg. wings, additional tails and limbs) will add an extra cost to your commission determined by the level of detail.
    Excessive changes throughout the commission process eg. exceeding the two sketch update limit (see Updates & Approvals) or changing your idea from that submitted in your application, will create charges that must be paid before the commission’s completion. ​


    A client initiated refund can only be given before work has begun.
    Commissions taken at conventions paid for in cash CANNOT be refunded.
    I will only freely give a refund once work has begun if
1. I cannot complete the commission for any reason or
2. I no longer wish to work with the client. ​

Time Estimates
- Once your commission has been accepted and paid for you will be added to my schedule. This date will be the latest at which your commission will be completed unless unforeseen circumstances push your commission back further. If this happens it will be announced on social media (Tumblr, Facebook & Twitter).
​- If you are concerned about the length of time your commission is taking don't hesitate to contact me.


    All finalised commission related discussion MUST occur via email only.
    Any official commission related changes or additional requests during the process that are sent to me via social media or instant message services are invalid and may be forgotten or ignored.
    You may contact me via Tumblr, Twitter, DeviantART, Reddit or my Facebook page (NOT my personal Facebook) for questions and general discussion, but not official additions/changes to your commission.

Updates and Approvals
- Once a commission has begun you will receive a sketch to approve or alter. You will be given two revisions to the image during the sketch stage only. Any further changes will incur extra charges.
- Once the sketch stage is complete the remainder of the commission will be completed without updates unless specifically requested by you.
- I reserve the right to refuse any changes at the end of a commission unless it is a character mistake made by me after the sketch stage. (Marking or colour changes.) All anatomy/expression issues should be settled during the sketch stage.
- I will not revisit an image if your character has changed in appearance in that time (reference sheets are no longer an exception to this rule).

- I retain the rights to all commissions I complete and will post the finished product on my gallery accounts. You have purchased it for personal use only and it may not be redistributed for profit or altered without written permission from myself (cropping for avatars/banners excepted).
​- You may re-post any commission you purchase from me on your own gallery accounts so long as artistic credit is given and the image is unaltered.

- All commissions may be printed by me in various forms and sold at conventions or online.
​- If you have strong objections to your commission being sold as a print please state so when you first contact me and I will respect your decision. If you fail to do so before prints are made I reserve the right to sell what is already printed.
- You may purchase a print of your commission from me once it is complete. Printing and postage costs apply. At conventions clients may purchase any prints of their commissions for half price.

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