Horror Art of Fluffysminion

About my Horror Art

I have always been fascinated by monsters. Even in fantasy it's the dragons, the chimeras, the terrible beasts with claws and fangs that I have always found most interesting. Biology too I discovered was as much a study of death as was about life, and in studing it I learned to fine beauty in bones and the myriad systems beneath the skin that are the source of life despite their associations with death.

And as much as I enjoy applying science to create plausible animals and ecosystems, there is also a great deal of satisfaction to be found in breaking those rules to design things that are subtly or dramatically wrong.

Coming soon - Feature Galleries


In the Warhammer setting there are four gods of chaos, each served by daemons that bring ruin to everything they touch. Based on written descriptions I created visual designs for this set of characters, daemons that were not the standard ones depicted in setting but were still clearly aligned to the same greater powers.

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